
  • [全素] 新東陽麻婆豆腐醬 (160g)


    新東陽全素麻婆豆腐醬 嚴選非基改黃豆製成之豆腐、大豆蛋白、辣豆瓣醬、花椒及多種調味料 遵循古法慢火燉滷製成,含有豆腐塊之全素麻婆豆腐醬 可直接拌飯食用,省時又方便,也可做為入菜佐料 不添加防腐劑、人工色素、味精 台灣製造

  • 工研兒童咖哩塊 (125g)


    工研益壽多兒童咖哩塊 (8小塊/盒) 沒錯!台灣最著名咖哩塊品牌–工研益壽多辣咖哩塊終於來到馬來西亞了! 看過,聽過,千萬別錯過! 居家方便料理,營養又美味! 可依口味喜好或食材特性適量搭配。 辣味等級:兒童1 辣度評分:1~4,數字越高越辣。 台灣製造  

  • 工研夀司醋 (300ml)


    工研壽司醋 台灣工研壽司醋終於來到馬來西亞了! 巧妙的使用鹽,糖的添加及加強鮮味釀製而成的壽司醋,風味絕佳。 不論你是日本料理師傅,或是在家自己做壽司,都少不了它。 只要將壽司醋淋在微溫的米飯上,推開冷卻後,就可製作香Q可口的壽司料理,非常方便。 “

  • 工研糯米醋 (全素) (300ml)


    工研糯米醋 以糯米代替普通米釀造而成的糯米酢。 可被用來炒菜 全素/純素 台灣製造

  • 工研素食咖哩塊 (125g)


    工研益壽多素食咖哩塊 (8小塊/盒) 沒錯!台灣最著名咖哩塊品牌–工研益壽多辣咖哩塊終於來到馬來西亞了! 看過,聽過,千萬別錯過! 全素、純素 居家方便料理,營養又美味! 可依口味喜好或食材特性適量搭配。 辣味等級:素食3 辣度評分:1~4,數字越高越辣。

  • 工研辣咖哩塊 (125g)


    工研益壽多辣咖哩塊 (8小塊/盒) 沒錯!台灣最著名咖哩塊品牌–工研益壽多辣咖哩塊終於來到馬來西亞了! 看過,聽過,千萬別錯過! 居家方便料理,營養又美味! 可依口味喜好或食材特性適量搭配。 辣味等級:辣味4 辣度評分:1~4,數字越高越辣。 台灣製造

  • 新東陽豆鼓香酥鰻 (100g)


    新東陽豆鼓香酥鰻 嚴選新鮮海鰻 香甜濃郁、風味絕佳 肉質Q彈、口感獨特 保證不添加人工色素、防腐劑、味精 台灣製造  

  • 明德辣豆瓣酱 (460g)


    The Ming De Broad Bean Paste , which has a heritage of flavor, is made of high-quality non-genetically modified soybeans and healthy natural rock salt. It is added with bright red peppers from the Jianan Plain. The master personally stirs them every day, strictly observing the four traditional sauce mixing processes, and then let exposed to the sun for 180 days, the taste is natural and mellow, and the aroma is full. It is a traditional brewing delicacy that many traveler can’t forget.

    ★Traditional four-step sauce mixing process
    Stir: Follow the clock direction and use a wooden stick to stir the bean paste toward the center along the edge of the tank.
    Mixing: Follow the direction of the sauce, and then mix the bean sauce evenly.
    Turn: Turn the bean paste at the bottom of the tank to the surface to fully absorb fresh air.
    Kneading: Knead the bean paste repeatedly like a dough to make it fully blended with natural seasonings and elastic

    ★Easy cooking and unique taste
    ★Vegan, no preservatives
    ★The best choice for bibimbap, noodles and cold dishes

    Ingredient: Red Chili Pepper, Non-GMO Soybean, Water, Broad Bean, Salt, Liquid Sugar, Sesame Oil, Soybean Oil, Wheat Flour, Disodium 5′-Inosinate, Disodium 5′-Guanylate, Star Anise Powder
    Storage: Store in a cool dry place. Refrigerated when opening.
    Product Origin: Taiwan
    Allergen: Contains Soybean, sesame, broad bean and wheat.
    100% Vegetarian & Vegan




  • 明德陳年豆瓣酱 (460g)


    The Ming De bean paste, which has a heritage of flavor, is made of high-quality non-genetically modified soybeans and healthy natural rock salt. It is added with bright red peppers from the Jianan Plain. The master personally stirs them every day, strictly observing the four traditional sauce mixing processes, and then let exposed to the sun for 180 days, the taste is natural and mellow, and the aroma is full. It is a traditional brewing delicacy that many traveler can’t forget.

    ★Traditional four-step sauce mixing process
    Stir: Follow the clock direction and use a wooden stick to stir the bean paste toward the center along the edge of the tank.
    Mixing: Follow the direction of the sauce, and then mix the bean sauce evenly.
    Turn: Turn the bean paste at the bottom of the tank to the surface to fully absorb fresh air.
    Kneading: Knead the bean paste repeatedly like a dough to make it fully blended with natural seasonings and elastic

    ★Easy cooking and unique taste
    ★Vegan, no preservatives
    ★The best choice for bibimbap, noodles and cold dishes

    Ingredient: Red Chili Pepper, Non-GMO Soybean, Water, Broad Bean, Salt, Liquid Sugar, Sesame Oil, Soybean Oil, Wheat Flour, Disodium 5′-Inosinate, Disodium 5′-Guanylate, Star Anise Powder
    Storage: Store in a cool dry place. Refrigerated when opening.
    Product Origin: Taiwan
    Allergen: Contains Soybean, sesame, broad bean and wheat.
    100% Vegetarian & Vegan




  • 牛頭牌打抛醬 (60G)


    [牛頭牌打拋醬] 小包裝醬料包推薦 優質原料製成 選用非基改純釀造黃豆醬油,添加泰國魚露、羅勒葉打造泰式風味。 黃金比例醬汁,無須其他調味料,簡單一包即可快速完成美味料理。 三步驟簡單料理 <簡易打拋豬> 基本食材:打拋醬、絞肉200g、洋蔥1/4顆、小番茄6顆 1.        熱鍋加一匙油,將絞肉炒至9分熟。 2.         加入牛頭牌打拋醬拌炒至微收汁。 3.         加入洋蔥丁、番茄丁拌勻即可上桌。 起鍋前加入九層塔拌炒,香氣更濃郁 輕巧小包裝 60g便利裝即可完成3-4人份料理 外出輕鬆好攜帶。 安心保證 無添加防腐劑、可常溫保存。 牛頭牌打拋醬料理 牛頭牌打拋醬可適用於泰式打拋豬、打拋四季豆、打拋雞丁等料理。

  • 牛頭牌金鑽甜玉米粒 (185g)


    牛頭牌金鑽甜玉米粒 • 選用泰國非基因改造玉米粒,顆粒飽滿,脆甜多汁,口感Q彈可口。 • 以185g小規格包裝方便輕巧 • 真空封罐保有玉米原味與鮮甜,易開包裝,即開即食。 • 通過SGS 381項農藥殘留檢驗合格、不添加防腐劑、無黃麴毒素、重金屬檢驗合格,可以安心食用。 • 玉米粒可運用於拌炒料理、炒蛋、涼拌及烹飪料理均適宜。 • 台灣製造

  • 牛頭牌麻婆醬 (60G)


    牛頭牌麻婆醬 – 小包裝醬料包推薦 – 優質原料製成 – 選用非基改純釀造黃豆醬油,以優質花椒釋放香麻滋味,添加辣椒、豆瓣醬打造多層次口感 – 黃金比例醬汁,無須其他調味料,簡單一包即可快速完成美味料理。   三步驟簡單料理 <麻婆豆腐> 基本食材:麻婆醬、絞肉70g、嫩豆腐300g 1.        熱鍋加一匙油,將絞肉炒至熟。 2.         加入豆腐與牛頭牌麻婆醬拌炒均勻。 3.         轉小火加鍋蓋煮至收汁即可上桌。 最後可以撒上蔥花,讓料理更加分!   輕巧小包裝 60g便利裝調理包即可完成3-4人份料理,外出輕鬆好攜帶。   安心保證 無添加防腐劑、可常溫保存。   牛頭牌麻婆醬料理 牛頭牌麻婆醬可適用於麻婆豆腐、魚香茄子、螞蟻上樹等料理。

  • 老騾子海鮮干貝XO醬 260g


    Origin: Taiwan

    Storage method: Please store in a cool and dry place.

    原 产 地: 台湾

    储存方法: 请存放于阴凉干燥处。

  • 老騾子蒜蓉辣椒 240g


    ★Enough! Garlic spicy flavor
    ★Suitable for serving or fried tea
    ★Easy cooking and good taste
    ★This product does not contain any preservatives


  • 老騾子豆豉小魚辣椒 240g


    Ingredients list: dried small fish, edible vegetable oil, fermented soy bean, chili, white sugar, etc.

    Storage method Keep away from light, cool and dry place, refrigerate after opening

    Country of origin: Taiwan


    储存方法 避光,阴凉干燥处、开封后需冷藏


  • 老騾子辣油香荀 240g


    Origin: Taiwan

    Ingredients list: Sweet bamboo shoots, soybean salad oil, sesame oil, sugar, salt, chili oil, seasonings, etc.

    Storage method: Please store in a cool and dry place.

    原 产 地: 台湾

    成分列表: 麻竹筍,大豆沙拉油,香油,糖,盐,朝天辣油,调味料等。

    储存方法: 请存放于阴凉干燥处。