薌園 堅果糙米脆果
* 香脆的堅果富含優質植物蛋白、豐富礦物質與健康油脂,是高營養價值的零食。
* 特別搭配異麥芽寡糖與德國進口蘋果纖維,高纖更健康。
* 顆顆厚實的堅果與鬆脆的穀物米果一起吃,營養美味無與倫比!
* 優質穀物點心,不添加香料、色素及防腐劑。
* 非油炸,採用膨化方式保留食材原味和營養。
* 即拆可食,也可添加於任何冰熱飲品與鹹甜料理
* 無麩質
* 純素
* 台灣製造
主要成份:臺灣糙米、玉米、杏仁果、南瓜子、葡萄乾 (葡萄、棕櫚油)、青提子 (青葡萄乾)、異麥芽寡糖、核桃、糖、腰果、紅薏仁(無麩質)、黑米、黑玉米、麥芽糖、棕櫚油、花椰菜、南瓜、紅麴、黑糖、蘋果纖維、甜菜根、抹茶粉、黃地瓜、碳酸鈣、鹽。
Additional Information
Additional information
Weight | 0.2 kg |
Dimensions | 26 × 21 × 6 cm |
Received in good condition and the packing is very nicely packed. 👍👍👍 Good and very satisfied . Thanks seller for fast delivered.
Taste: good and tasty
Quality: the rice crackers is not as crispy anymore, at least it taste good.
Quality: good
Taste: good
Seller packed the item with extra care to ensure no broken damage issue. Very fast action from seller and fast delivery. 👍
Item well pack and received in good condition. Recommended seller.