老騾子豆豉香辣脆 240g

All LLZ series products have passed the inspection of the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan, and have been exported to Japan for a long time. They are popular products with annual sales of more than 200,000 cans. This product does not contain preservatives, and uses low oil, low salt production, automatic machine filling, high temperature sterilization, and has passed the US FDA certification. It is safe and secure, reducing the burden on the human body. Ingredients list: fresh chili, soybean salad oil, soy sauce, sansho pepper, flax, ginger, salt, sugar, seasoning (amino acid) Place of Origin Taiwan 老騾子系列產品全數通過日本厚生省檢驗合格,長期輸往日本,是銷售量年年超過20萬罐的人氣商品。本產品不含防腐劑,並採用低油、低鹽生產,自動機器充填、高溫殺菌,通過美國FDA認証,安全、安心有保障,減低人體的負擔。 成分 列表:新鮮朝天辣椒、大豆沙拉油、醬油、山椒、胡蔴、薑、鹽、糖、調味料(胺基酸) 產地: 台灣


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Weight 0.24 kg
